The MBC reality show “We Got Married” is once again being accused of using scripts in their show. The rumours have been floating around the internet after a video showing SHINee‘s Taemin allegedly getting script instructions from a staff member were released. In the video, the staff member allegedly says “read it like that.”
In response to the rumours, the producers of the show have been adamantly denying the claims. A producer of the show told Star News, “Rumours of us using a script do not make sense because we never use scripts. We only schedule the filming locations and time. I’ve never received a script for the show. I’ve talked with the relevant staff member and she said that she never said ‘read it like this.’ She feels the accusations are unfair.”
The celebrity dating show “We Got Married” is currently in its fourth season. The producers of the show recently had to make a public apology after an unaired video of a staff member cursing at Taemin were released.
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